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A support worker assisting a person to dispense paint for a painting activity.

Items 7 and 8

Items 7 and 8 are about the worker’s social interactions with the person.  How friendly and respectful they are. 

7. Respecting the person in all interactions

Good support means that all of a worker’s interactions with the person are respectful.

Respectful interactions include:

  • paying attention to the person

  • showing interest in them

  • being courteous

  • helping the person feel secure and comfortable during the activity and interaction

  • going at the person's pace, which usually means the worker slowing down and giving more time for the person to respond

Being respectful contrasts with disrespectful interactions, which include the worker:

  • not paying attention to the person when they are communicating

  • being dismissive

  • trying to hurry the person during an activity

  • speaking in an abrupt or directive tone

  • talking about the person in front of them

  • mocking the person, or making them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed

Screenshot of the Observing Practice Quality (OPQ) tool, which is used to assess the quality of support provided to a person with an intellectual disability.

In the following video, the worker is respectful in all interactions.



The worker was attentive and courteous in all interactions.


The worker in the video was attentive and courteous in all interactions with the person and would be rated a 3 for this item.

Some examples of the worker being attentive and courteous include: 

  • paying attention to the person when he was walking on the treadmill

  • looking at the person when talking to him

  • providing encouragement to help the person feel comfortable during the activity (e.g., “You are doing very well Charlie”)

  • using the person’s name when talking to him

  • going at the person’s pace

  • using a friendly tone to encourage the person into the pool   



The worker was attentive and courteous in some interactions, but there could have been more of this.


If the worker used a friendly tone when talking to the person and going at their pace, but was not paying attention to the person and not providing encouragement when the person was seeking assurance, then the rating would be a 2. 



The worker was not attentive and courteous.

If the worker spoke in a directive tone, was not paying attention to the person by looking around the room or at their phone, and tried to hurry the person along, for example, saying “Come on, get in the pool now, we don’t have time for this. Hurry up”, then the rating would be a 1.  

  • How the worker interacts with the person

  • Is the worker attentive and courteous when interacting with the person? 

  • Does the person seem comfortable in the worker’s company?

  • Does the worker say anything to or about the person that makes them uncomfortable? 

When observing, pay attention to:

8. Having friendly interactions

Good support means the worker is not only task focused. They can have friendly interactions by:

  • smiling

  • praising or encouraging the person

  • having moments of fun

  • sharing a joke or laughing with the person 

  • making small talk

  • a ‘high-five’

  • including the person in a conversation

A worker can use the opportunities available during the activity for friendly interactions: 

  • smiling back when the person smiles at them

  • laughing when something funny happens

  • giving praise when a person achieves something

  • asking the person a question related to what they are doing

Screenshot of the Observing Practice Quality (OPQ) tool, which is used to assess the quality of support provided to a person with an intellectual disability.

The following video shows a worker having friendly interactions with the person supported. 



The worker’s interactions created a friendly atmosphere.


The worker’s interactions with the person in the video created a friendly atmosphere and would be rated a 3 for this item.


Some of the ways the worker created a friendly atmosphere were:


  • smiling

  • using a friendly and positive tone when speaking

  • giving praise when the person is painting

  • providing positive comments about the painting

  • sharing moments of fun (e.g., “Woah that’s heaps”)

  • commenting and making small talk when something interesting happens

  • including the person in a conversation with another person who visits them



The worker’s interactions sometimes created a friendly atmosphere, but there could have been more of this.

If the worker had used a friendly and positive tone when speaking, gave the person praise when painting, but also missed some opportunities for moments of fun and did not include the person in the conversation with the visitor, then the rating would be a 2. 



The worker’s interactions did not create a friendly atmosphere.


If the worker was overly focused on the task of painting and had not used the opportunities available for moments of fun and commenting when something interesting happened, did not provide positive comments about the painting, and did not include the person in the conversation with the visitor, then the rating would be a 1. 

How friendly a worker’s interactions are during the observation will depend on the person and the situation.  For instance, whether the person needs to concentrate to perform a task, how comfortable the person is with small talk, or whether something funny happens. 

  • How friendly are the worker's interactions with the person?

  • Does the worker use the available opportunities or create opportunities for a friendly atmosphere? 

  • Is the person enjoying the activity or interaction?

  • Are there moments of fun? 

When observing, pay attention to:

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